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Enhanced SOI® Wafers
E-SOI ®is an enhanced Silicon on Insulator wafer with a new level of layer thickness uniformity and unprecedented properties. E-SOI®  is an ideal platform for demanding applications such as HV BCD devices, silicon photonics and high-precision silicon-based MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) sensors. The device layer thickness of E-SOI® is freely adjustable between 1.0 µm and >100 µm and the thickness tolerance independent of target thickness is as low as +/-0.1 µm. Also the buried oxide thickness is freely adjustable between 0.5 µm and 3 µm. 

Advantages of E-SOI® Wafers
• To enable completely new designs that have been out of reach with traditional technologies
• By using bonded SOI wafers in applications traditionally done with other SOI technologies
• To improve device performance and yield with existing designs
• To reduction of device size and cost, without compromising the device precision
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